Working Dogs

From VIP protection dogs to dogs deployed in warzones, over the last 20 years I've spent my life training dogs that specialize in detection work, bite work and complete multidisciplinary animals.
Lower your rejection rates. Purchase 'Right First Time' trained dogs.
We guarantee the performance of any animal we graduate.
Use the contact form to get in touch directly with Steve and see how we can help you get the best dogs for your application.

Meet some workers

This is Atlas

Atlas is a fully insured home protection dog.
Atlas is fully obedient to all MDTS standards on and off lead.
Atlas is confident in all environments and situations he is likely to encounter. 
On word of command Atlas will bark at intruders.
On word of command Atlas will bite right or left arm in between wrist and elbow and sustain until the word of command is given to release.
On release Atlas will guard the intruder and if any sudden movements or another command given will re-engage the bite.
Want to see him in action?

This is Loki

Check Loki out here!